Hairburst Healthy Hair Vitamins


Hairburst Healthy Hair Vitamins

550.00 EGP

Product Description
Hairburst’s unique capsules provide the key to gorgeous growth from within, supporting your body’s own natural renewal via a premium blend of vitamins and minerals. Simply by working these into a well-balanced diet, you’re left superbly well-equipped to take your hair to a new, and entirely more healthy, place.

After all, who among us isn’t at least a bit guilty of mistreating our hair just a little? it’s so easy to either neglect diet or over-style with heat or chemical tools. These onetime mistakes don’t leave your precious locks beyond help, however, not when vitamins such as these are packed with so much follicle-boosting goodness. Biotin comes together with selenium and zinc to form a fantastically effective complex that’ll help you to f
all in love with your hair once more.

Product Details
Hair Benefit: Strengthening

Hair Concern: Hair loss/thinning, chemically treated, dry, damaged, weak and brittle

Ingredient Highlights: Natural and contains biotin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, selenium, vitamin a, vitamin b, vitamin c, vitamin d and zinc.

Formulated without: Parabens and sls.

Good to know: This product is cruelty free.

Ingredient Features
The hyaluronic acid contained in this hair supplement item helps to hydrate dry, damaged and flat hair and to moisturize the scalp. The vitamin a in this item will also work to encourage hair growth and to boost hair health.

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